Puh Code to IDX
How to create .git in local reposity and push your files in Project IDX
These are the steps you need to follow to upload your project created in Project IDX to a GitHub repository, follow te next steps:
Create a new repository on GitHub and make a note of the repository name you choose.
If you want to bypass the steps up to Step 5 Click Here
Go to your profile icon located in the upper right corner and click on the ‘Settings’ button
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select ‘Developer Settings’
Click on the ‘Personal Access Token’ button to expand its options, then choose ‘Fine-grained Tokens’
In the top right, you’ll find a button labeled ‘Generate Token’ Click on that.
“In the Token Name field, enter the name of the repository if you choose en the Step 1. to upload files in
(OPTIONAL) If you frequently work on the repository, you may adjust the expiration date.
- By scrolling down further, you’ll reveal three buttons that can be selected:
Public Repositories (read-only)
All repositories
Only select repositories
From the given options, select the one that aligns with your requirements. If you need access to a particular repository, choose the third option. For broader access to all repositories, opt for the second option.
In the Permissions section, select all checkboxes and change them to Read and Write. If this option doesn’t exist, choose Read-Only
Scroll to the bottom and click the green ‘Generate Token’ button. This will redirect you to a new page where you’ll receive a token.
IMPORTANT: Keep this token confidential as it provides complete access to the option you chose in step 8.
11.You’ll need to copy the Token given to you by GitHub. Next, navigate to Project IDX and perform these commands in the terminal
Init a GitHub in your files
git init
Add all files to the staging area
git add .
Commit the changes
git commit -m "{name_commit}"
Change to branch main
git branch -M main
Link your local repository to your remote GitHub repository
git remote add origin https://{your_fine_token}@github.com/{user}/{name_repo}
Upload your files to branch main
git push -u origin main
If you have a error probably you're not linked your account GitHub in your IDX, follow the steps in
Getting Started